How can we be of assistance?

Our guides cover most inquiries.

Private customer Corporate customer Service status


Getting started

You still need to place an order for a subscription if your landlord or housing association has a collective contract for our services, as this allows us to connect your services to your household, and also helps with any support you may need from us.

You can place your order through our homepage or with our Customer Support over the phone. You can also get your connection up and running while at home! All you need to do is be connected to your home network, either through your router or with your internet cable connected directly to your PC. You should then be able to reach

Subscriptions can be ordered up to 90 days before installation, the activation process is then done on the day the installation is complete.


  1. Search for your address.
  2. Select your desired broadband speed (This can be changed later though My Pages!).
  3. Select any additional services like TV, landline phone, router etc.
  4. Enter your personal information.
  5. Finished!


    1. While at home, connect your PC or router to the broadband plug (you may already have a router pre-installed, in which case you can just connect to that).
    2. Go to
    3. Enter your social security number.
    4. If you haven't already placed an order, you can do this now.
    5. Click on Start Activation.
    6. Wait 5 minutes, and you're done!

    Other services

    If you are planning on ordering our TV service or any hardware from us then we recommend you order with enough time for the hardware to make it home to you.